Too bad this never got a continuation. But you will never be forgotten, Tarboy (salute).
Too bad this never got a continuation. But you will never be forgotten, Tarboy (salute).
If only I had Jerry's courage to do the same...
Tomate y Zanahoria only wished they could recreate such a classic.
Even if I don't recognize many of the characters (I'm kinda new to this site and its legacy), this is a pretty amazing crossover. Definitely better than Disney's Once Upon a Studio.
Is it me or 2 sounds like Numbuh 2?
Looking forward to what's next for these two
You done it again, Mr. Henderson. Your beefy guys are always welcome.
ENA is my spirit animal. I love her.
After the DuckTales fatal farm parody, as well as the snuff art on Furaffinity, this has joined my disturbing things I've found on the web collection. But it's nicely animated.
@ArtofAlexH and his precious The Rhino and The Redbill can get bent. THIS is a true animated pilot!
Artist that has an obsession with animation, crossovers and the like. Think of it like Smash Bros or Disney Sorcerer's Arena.
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