If they did, why would they do it to their own daughter?
If they did, why would they do it to their own daughter?
idk why would they put their own daughter in a video game lol
I still think the Captain is canonically bald... but awesome nonetheless!
This should be flagged for birb abuse.
Aren't you a little too young to be going to the gym, Ethan?
I think Peeb has already surpassed Dax in terms of coolness
Pico sendo flamenguista é extranhamente apropriado.
How does one enter a collab?
its easy, you just keep looking at the calendar, see if a collab interests u, read the rules and atend it in time :]
I kinda liked it. Not as much as the first two, though.
Please don't make him a bara icon. Let him be a Twink for a bit longer.
Good to find a fellow Ms paint user in here.
Artist that has an obsession with animation, crossovers and the like. Think of it like Smash Bros or Disney Sorcerer's Arena.
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Joined on 3/19/22