25 years later, and these kids continue to cause terror whether they go.
25 years later, and these kids continue to cause terror whether they go.
3 years later and Little Wolf still doesn't have a TV Tropes page? It's a crime!
New short in the works. Taking me long enough, right?
You should add Gogo Matsumoto, Shrike Sanchez, Niles and Red (The Rhino and The Redbill) and Larry Mittenhands someday.
GoGo Matsumoto has joined the Newgrounds legends!
When are Niles and Red from "The Rhino and The Redbill" doing the same?
No XJ9/Jenny? No RobotBoy? No Larry 3000? No Robot Jones? It feels so imcomplete without them...
There are a lot of references about robots but next time I'll try to do better! ;D
While I am aware of the messed up shit that the creator of Alfred has been up to, it's still pretty cute to see him with his new Pico doll.
Those characters aren't under 18, are they?
I'm slowly but surely getting to know each and every one of these guys. Without any help from Friday Night Funkin'.
Knock them dead!
Artist that has an obsession with animation, crossovers and the like. Think of it like Smash Bros or Disney Sorcerer's Arena.
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Joined on 3/19/22